Testes de DVD Players – What Hi-Fi

A revista inglesa What Hi-Fi, bastante conceituada na Europa, possui uma lista interessante de DVD players avaliados, e pode servir de referência para futuros compradores, já que falta muita informação do gênero no Brasil.

Segue uma lista dos aparelhos avaliados.

* (Preços em Libras no mercado europeu)

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There aren’t too many budget DVD players that make a style statement, but this is one of them. The picture quality isn’t bad, either

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Oppo DV-983H
The Oppo is a bit of an oddity in today’s home cinema market: yes it’s a universal DVD/SACD player, but it doesn’t play Blu-rays

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Toshiba SD580
Don’t be put off by the budget price tag – it just makes this DVD player even more of a bargain

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Toshiba XD-E500
It’s not HD but it’s still one of the most accomplished DVD players we’ve seen

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Sony DVP-NS78
Not very much money can buy you this very likeable machine

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Onkyo DV-SP406
May lack showroom allure but in use the ‘406 redeems itself spectacularly

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Pioneer DV-410-V
A rare lapse in quality from Pioneer. You can buy much better for the money

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Samsung DVD-F1080
It’s only £70, but this compact, stylish DVD player puts up a good show and is ideal for use in the smallest of living spaces

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Oppo DV-980H
A talented DVD player that also has some interesting audio capabilities, especially of interest to SACD devotees

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Samsung DVD-HD870
A superb budget buy, delivering the best picture we’ve seen at this price

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Pioneer DV-LX50
The only thing this DVD player won’t play is Blu-ray, but that doesn’t bother us when the picture quality is this good

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Digilogic DVDH0701
For the cash, its not bad at all, including HDMI connectivity at a bargain price

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Onkyo DV-SP504
Sonically it’s excellent, and the specification is top-notch, but there are cheaper rivals that offer better sound and pictures

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Denon DVD-1740
Undeniably one of the best sub-£200 players around, but some rivals offer better performance per pound

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Cyrus Discmaster 8.0Qx
Superb picture and sound quality. The Discmaster should have the class-leaders glancing nervously over their shoulders

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Marantz DV6001
This may be a DVD-video player, but it’s also very adept with music on CD, DVD-A and SACD, making it a truly universal device

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Cambridge Audio Azur 540D V2
Gives the Denon DVD-1940 a real run for its money

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Arcam DiVA DV135
Great for music, but as a DVD player it lacks fine detail

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Philips DVP5980
Casting our eyes over the machine and indeed the specification panel, the Philips ticks all our boxes

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Denon DVD-1940
A discernable step up from the Denon 1930 in picture quality, but not sound

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Toshiba SD-370E
So slim even Victoria Beckham would approve

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NAD T585
If you’re an SACD/DVD-A fan, then the T585 warrants careful consideration, but a pricey option when compared to rivals

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Marantz DV7001
This machine is an exquisite all-rounder and a worthy Award winner

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Arcam DiVA DV139
With such quality in abundance, the Arcam justifies its hefty price tag and is a superb music and movies all-rounder

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Classe CDP-300
Crisp detailed picture, great sound, but players at half the price aren’t far behind in the performance stakes

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Denon DVD-2930
When it comes to performance we can’t recommend this player enough, but more affordable Blu-ray players are on the horizon

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Denon DVD-3930
This Denon falls rather short in absolute value terms

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Arcam DiVA DV137
Ticks all the boxes in terms of specification and performance, but it’s hard to justify the premium price

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Probably the best DVD player in the world!…(2006)

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Marantz DV9600
Picture quality is exceptional, colours are natural and vibrant and movie sound certainly won’t disappoint

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Naim DVD5
Quirky, but dismiss the Naim at your peril: in the right system, it’s a fantastic piece of kit

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Linn Unidisk SC
This multi-format disk player may look a little old fashioned, but it still deserves respect

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Meridian G98
A real bargain, even at this price! If you can find the cash, try one

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Primare DVD30
Delivers a combination of fine picture and sound performance, fantastic build quality and a specification as long as your arm, but it’s not quite exceptional


É muito comum observarmos comentários sobre a interpretação equivocada de algumas avaliações.
Por isso, acrescentamos alguns comentários para auxiliar o leitor:

1. Avaliações são mais abrangentes, não limitando-se aos resultados técnicos somente. Assim, a What Hi-Fi procura sempre classificar o equipamento pelo mercado que disputa.

2. É possível que um equipamento inferior receba uma classificação igual ou até mesmo superior a outro modelo de melhor qualidade. A avaliação leva em conta o preço do aparelho, por isso na faixa de preço dele seu desempenho pode ser excepcional, mas outro modelo numa faixa superior de preço pode ter um desempenho fraco para aquela faixa, e assim será classificado em seu segmento.

3. As exigências mudam com o passar do tempo. Assim, um player, dependendo de seu preço e mercado, pode ter uma classificação inferior por, por exemplo, competir com Blu-Ray players, sugerindo não ser uma opção interessante pela evolução e tendência de mercado. Isso é importante para que o comprador saiba que, mesmo sendo um bom equipamento, ele perdeu a vantagem em função do avanço tecnológico.

4. Muitos players possuem similares no mercado nacional, apenas com um nome ou código diferente. Vale a pena conferir.

5. Além destas avaliações, convém considerar a representação da marca ou modelo no mercado nacional, assim como a qualidade dos serviços de assistência técnica. Isso pode evitar muitas dores de cabeça no futuro.